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Avalon Holiday

1 пов.



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Installment вид на озеро комфорт Underground parking Master bedroom

IV квартал 2026

Reservation Reservation Reservation

111 895 $

1 150 $ за м²


97 M²

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Installment вид на озеро комфорт Underground parking Master bedroom

15% readiness

IV квартал 2026


Сost of the apartment

111 895 $

First payment

70 %

Non-standard conditions


6 month

Non-standard conditions

The total cost of the apartment

114 111 $

First payment

79 878 $

Monthly payment

5 706 $

Cost per m²

1 176 $

You have selected non-standard installment terms. Want to discuss them with a manager?

*The calculation is approximate and is for informational purposes

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