1. Conclusion of a contract for the purchase and sale of a derivative.
2. Conclusion of a deposit agreement within the framework of a contract for the purchase and sale of a derivative.
3. Conclusion of a contract for the purchase and sale of property rights.
4. Payment of the next payment.
5. Conducting an inspection.
6. Signing the Act of Acceptance/Transfer of the real estate object.
7. Registration of ownership in the Unified State Register of Property Rights.
8. Receiving the keys.
1. If you plan to purchase housing:
You need to contact the contact center with a relevant request. In the future, your personal manager will accompany you. Please note that the sale of real estate in the current conditions can only be carried out by concluding a contract of purchase and sale of property rights, since in accordance with the Decision of the National Securities and Stock Market Commission No. 136 dated February 24, 2022, the placement, circulation and redemption of all securities, as well as the conduct of operations in the depository accounting system and clearing accounting systems of persons conducting clearing activities, are temporarily suspended from 11:00 on February 24, 2022, except for operations necessary for the National Bank of Ukraine to carry out monetary and monetary policy and the Ministry of Finance to carry out operations to service the public debt. Therefore, temporarily, from 11:00 on February 24, 2022: asset management companies, custodians of CII assets and custodians of NPF assets shall stop conducting operations with CII and NPF assets.
2. If you have concluded a deposit agreement within the framework of a derivative purchase and sale agreement.
According to clause 4.8 of the agreement, in the event of the Buyer's failure to pay the Seller the Second Payment within the terms specified in the Agreement, the Agreement shall terminate from the next business day, without signing additional documents on termination (termination). At the same time, the first payment paid by the Buyer by the Seller shall not be returned to the Buyer, the Attorney's obligations shall be deemed fulfilled, and the Derivative may be alienated by the Seller to third parties. At the same time, in accordance with clause 11.1. any party shall be released from liability for failure to perform or delay in performing its obligations under this Agreement, if such failure or delay arose as a result of force majeure circumstances that occurred after the conclusion of this Agreement. Thus, according to the decision of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry No. 2024/02.0-7.1 dated 28.02.2022, the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which became the basis for the introduction of martial law from 05:30 on February 24, 2022 for a period of 30 days, is recognized as a force majeure circumstance (force majeure circumstance). Taking into account the above, the parties to the Agreement are exempted from fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement until the termination of the force majeure circumstances. All conditions specified in the deposit agreement remain valid for the Parties to the Agreement. Please note that if the date of the second payment preceded the date of the force majeure circumstances, the payment obligation remains enforceable.
3. If you have closed a derivative purchase and sale agreement and are waiting for the conclusion of a property rights purchase and sale agreement.
In accordance with clause 6.3.5, the Buyer is obliged to present the Derivative for execution to the Issuer (the executor of the forward contract) within 1 (one) month from the date of full payment of the Amount of this Agreement. In the event of failure to present the Derivative to the Seller within the above period, the Buyer (or another person to whom the Buyer has alienated his rights under the Derivative) loses his exclusive and unconditional right to purchase the Underlying Asset by concluding a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Underlying Asset. The Agent's obligations are considered fulfilled, and the Derivative may be alienated by the Seller to third parties. At the same time, in accordance with clause 11.1. any party is exempted from liability for failure to perform or delay in performing its obligations under this Agreement, if such failure or delay arose as a result of force majeure circumstances that occurred after the conclusion of this Agreement. Thus, in accordance with the decision of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry No. 2024/02.0-7.1 dated 28.02.2022, the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, which became the basis for the introduction of martial law from 05:30 on February 24, 2022 for a period of 30 days, is recognized as a force majeure circumstance (force majeure circumstance).
Taking into account the above, the conclusion of contracts for the sale of property rights is postponed until the termination of force majeure circumstances. The conclusion of the contract for the sale of property rights will be carried out on the terms that were primarily determined by the Parties. Please note that if the date of presentation of the Derivative for execution preceded the date of the force majeure, the obligation to conclude a contract for the purchase and sale of property rights remains enforceable. In this regard, you should contact your sales manager with a request to conclude a contract for the purchase and sale of property rights.
4. If, according to the terms of your contract, you are required to perform