
Avalon press-room photo

Moral and physical readiness for any changes continues to be "one of the whales" on which the Avalon company rests.

до 3 April 2022

A few weeks before the war, we formed an operational headquarters, which step by step helped the company's team "prepare" for various scenarios of the development of events. They also had time to hold a series of courses on first aid, lectures on the emergency suitcase, and a special pre-war training course for men.

From the first day of the war, the company promptly transferred the team to remote work and ensured the relocation of willing colleagues and their families to neighboring Poland.

The crisis situation, unfortunately, forced us to make a number of difficult decisions regarding the activities of the Company and our Team. Some of the employees are temporarily involved in other areas of work or redirected to another department, at the same time, the HR department continues to help everyone who needs

This difficult time once again provided an opportunity to make sure that a professional team is our greatest asset. We thank everyone who understood all our temporary forced decisions and are sure that soon we will be able to rejoice together in victory and the full recovery of our Company's work.